Mathematical Bureau
Mathematical Modelling In Electricity Market
chuchueva_eng's picture
March 01 2019

1. Power market
1.1. Basics
1.2. Electricity as a market commodity
1.3. Capacity as a market commodity
1.4. Power trade schemes
1.5. Trade participants
1.5.1. Suppliers
1.5.2. Consumers
1.5.3. Others

chuchueva_eng's picture
March 01 2019

A list of references

chuchueva_eng's picture
March 01 2019

3. Day ahead price analysis
3.1. Price analysis problem
3.2. Solution
3.2.1. Factors impacting the marginal price
3.2.2. Highlighting the main factors
3.3. Marginal price analysis results
3.3.1. European price zone
3.3.2. Siberian price zone
3.3.3. Thomson Reuters weekly commentary

chuchueva_eng's picture
March 01 2019

2. Trading
2.1. Stages
2.2. Agreement examples
2.3. Consumers day ahead bid
2.4. Supplier day ahead bid
2.4.1. Thermal power plant day ahead bid
2.4.2. Other power plants day ahead bid
2.5. Day ahead auction
2.6. Day ahead auction results
2.7. Day ahead marginal price